Thursday 20 March 2003

Trademark Registration Attorney: A Bit About Them and Ways to Find Them

Hiring a trademark attorney is considered to be a smart move as it pays in the long run. A trademark attorney offers a range of services at one go starting from selecting a trademark to register for, to enforcing the trademark chosen by you so that it is not infringed upon by others. Now, choosing the trademark for your company is not an easy job. There are several (even thousands) of trademark signs that are rejected every month for various reasons. Choosing a reputable and licensed Trademark Registration Consultant/ Attorney would ensure that nothing of that sort happens in your case. Go through the post in a bid to have a detailed idea of ways of finding a licensed trademark registration lawyer.

How Can a Lawyer Help you With Trademark Registration?

Trademark registration is a niche area of law with specific requirements (different from that of other disciplines of law). As a result, you would need to hire the services of a person who is experienced, knowledgeable and well-versed with these specifications. Given below are the functions generally performed by these lawyers:

• He is the right person who can help you select the trademark for your business, making amply sure that it has maximum chances of getting approved by the concerned authorities. The lawyer primarily does this by identifying whether at all the trademark chosen by you, is similar or same as that of other signs already registered for or not. He reviews the entire look of the mark in the process.

• He will analyze the trademark chosen by you, thoroughly, thereby minimizing chances of the same getting rejected. He will make sure that your trademark is exclusive and not infringed upon by someone else.

• He will file the trademark application and provide valuable suggestions regarding your intellectual property.

How Can you Find these Lawyers?

There are a number of avenues availing which you can find the right lawyers to help you with your registration. But it would be sagacious not to base your decisions solely on ad-listings or a lawyer referral service. They do not give you a detailed insight in to the expertise of lawyers. They just enlist these lawyers in return of a membership fee. Lawyers use these platforms so as to enhance their online visibility making it easier for potential clients to find them. But that does not mean that you can contact experts randomly. Make sure you're browsing through the websites in detail, asking friends for recommendations etc. Conduct discussions with multiple lawyers in order to gauge whether at all they would be able to handle your case or not. It is believed that hardcore advertising is a poor method of finding a lawyer. There are many attorneys who run these advertisements indiscriminately and deploy a number of paralegals to attend to your case. Don't go for such impersonal services. Instead, you must try and find someone who's more interested in looking at your case personally and thus providing the desirable solution.