Monday 22 August 2005

Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Parking Lot

After sealcoating a parking area or paving your lot, you know you'll need to have new parking lines striped and other pavement markings made for things like handicapped spaces and crosswalks. But, what some people overlook when freshening up the appearance of their parking area are their parking lot signs.

Parking lot signs are important to the organization, safety and security of your parking lot. From directional signs to pedestrian crossing signs there are hundreds of different types of parking lot signs to choose from.

Your paving contractor can not only handle all of your asphalt paving needs, but they also usually experts in line striping design and pavement marking layouts. They can also install high quality traffic signs and safety devices.

What type of signage do you need?

Directional Parking Signs - This type of sign helps drivers find entrances, exits, specific buildings, parking areas, and more. These signs help clearly and professionally indicate where parking is available or point the direction to an exit with an arrow and the word exit clearly marked.

Fire Lane Signs - To ensure that fire trucks and ambulances have access to your building and parking area as quickly as possible, fire lane signs clearly designate fire lanes and no parking areas.

Pick Up and Drop Off Signs - Posting pick up and drop off signs or loading zone signs on your property will indicate to drivers where the proper zones are in your parking facility. These signs can be beneficial to your customers who may have purchased a large item. They can pull their vehicle directly into the designated loading area. For visitors dropping off children or elderly people, a parking lot sign that designates a drop off area can be beneficial to a driver so that they will know where it is safe to stop and left their passengers out.

Parking Lot Property Signs - If you're looking to enforce safety and security policies in parking lots to deter unwanted activities, consider getting a few parking lot signs to display your properties notices, regulations or restrictions. You've seen them at other facilities, the wording may vary but will read something to this effect: NOTICE, We are not responsible for theft or damage to vehicles or contents, park at your own risk. Or, another option would be one that read: Private Property, NO loitering, soliciting, skateboards, rollerblades.

Pedestrian Crossing Signs - To clearly mark crosswalk areas, crosswalk signs get the attention of drivers and pedestrians and offer crossing directions. Some signs may read: State Law, Stop for Pedestrians within Crosswalk.

Maureen McHale is a web marketing consultant specializing in SEO, content marketing and website design.

With more than 20 years of experience, ABC Paving and Sealcoating is Florida's leading paving contractor. ABC Paving and Sealcoating provides commercial organizations with the highest level of customer service, professional workmanship and services including: asphalt paving, asphalt repairs and prevention, pothole repairs, sealcoating, line striping and marking, thermoplastic, crack filing, signs and safety devices, concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs and site preparation.

Tuesday 7 June 2005

The Importance of Registering Your Trademark

What is a Trademark?

A Trademark distinguishes the goods of one manufacture or trader from similar goods of other and therefore, it seeks to protect the interest of the consumers as well as the trader. It may consist of device depicting the picture of animals, human beings etc., words, letters, numerals, signature or any combination thereof.

Since it indicates relationship in the course of trade, between trader and goods, it serves as a useful medium of advertisement for the goods and their quality. The object of trademark law is to permit an enterprise by registering its trademark to obtain an exclusive right to use, share or assign a mark. Closely related to trademarks are service marks which distinguish the service of an enterprise from the services of other enterprise.

Trademark helps in inaugurating a Brand name

It helps consumers to distinguish your products and services from that of your competitors.
It indicates the quality of your products and services.
Establishing the brand and earning goodwill is supported by registering your trademark.
It enables to get the name "Branded goods" which will add on the value of your product.
Advertising the product will reach easily if your product holds an attractive trademark.
It serves as the most efficient commercial tool that establishes the identity of your product.
Holding a registered trademark significantly increases the value of your brand to potential purchasers, and hence any purchaser of your business is likely to pay much more for the goodwill that is built.
Trademark serves as an Asset

Trademarks are one of the few Assets that provide a long-term competitive advantage.
It is the only business Asset that will get appreciated in value over time.
It provides value beyond the core business and an pave the way for expansion of the business.
Trademark - a communication tool 

Trademark helps to register the product among the consumers which helps them to differentiate and select the desired product.

Trademark wraps a series of technical issues in a single logo such as: 

Products and services
Consumers need

Trademarks will work across borders, culture and language.
Trademark increases sales volume

Trademark helps to find out the significant differences among competing products.
The brand can be an important factor to drag the consumer's attention.
Trademarks are relatively inexpensive to protect

After successful registration of trademark it has an infinite lifespan by renewing it and the expenses are less when compared to other intellectual properties.
Trademarks are often the top-of mind address for an Internet user which helps the consumers to identify your product easily.
Trademark gives the consumers the ability to protect themselves by relying upon known brands of products and services.
Trademark also assures the owner as it helps him to protect his own product from other competitors even if they similar. The owner can protect his trademark by taking legal actions against his reviles if they try to infringe his own trademark. When once a company registers its trademark ownership it will have an exclusive right to use it nationwide and for all the products that are listed in the registration.

The trademark acts as a prima facie evidence of its validity once registered and gives an exclusive right to the owner to use the trademark in the commerce field.Registration of trademark prevents others from using your trademark and hence it is important to register it. In the event of anyone trying to infringe your trademark the owner can fight back legally only when your trademarks is registered.

To know more about the trademark registration procedure in India, click here.

DoBiz India is an On-line Corporate service providers, which helps you to register, form and incorporate your own company, whether a Private company or Public Company or Limited liability partnership or an One Person company(OPC) and also offers trademark registration, copyright registration. For more details, visit trademark registration