Tuesday 10 April 2001

Foam Technologies In The 3D-Printing Age

The capabilities of the newest 3D printers are astounding. With options to manipulate foam, plastics, and other materials at the millimeter level, brand new capabilities are available for small and large businesses alike to create slimmer, more efficient, and longer-lasting products that accurately address both large and small demographics with common and niche desires. But, is your business taking advantage of the potential, or is your competition succeeding when you're getting hit where it hurts most - right in the profits.

Efficient Details

One of the greatest aspects of 3D-printed polyurethane is its ability to fit a wide variety of applications with extraordinary precision. No longer does your team have to spend inordinate amounts of time crafting a mold to pour the initial foam. Technologies like computer-aided design (CAD) and actuated laser precision eliminate the need to spend countless man-hours trimming that creation as part of the design process. Now you can simply load a block of foam large enough to fit your entire product dimensions, load up a CAD model that pins your design down to the tiniest details, and begin trimming the foam like Michelangelo chipped away at his marble, only better, because what took months and even years for him only takes a matter of minutes for you.

Even more efficient is the ability to consolidate. Where former products had to be split up into multiple parts, now they can be combined into one single, complex piece that fits perfectly. Along with that, due to the infinitely customizable aspects of the model, additional improvements over time are easy to implement, as instead of creating new molds, you get to manipulate a virtual file and even test its efficiency in simulations before sending it to production.

Longer-Lasting Products

Due to the efficiency of the previously mentioned aspects of the design phase, you are already one step ahead in creating a more durable result. Instead of spending all of your design time focusing on how to cut as many corners as possible to cut down on material costs for mass production, you can focus on how to make those already efficient designs take more hits and resist wear and tear. With these kinds of advances in foam technology, you can even go as far as to create advanced structures that give your product a lifetime far superior to that of the competition. With ability to create complex geometry directly within the product's existing framework that is structurally superior to its predecessors, you are already far ahead of those still stuck with old, rigid and bulky options.

Customizing Creates Customers

The product is already much more efficiently created using these specific foam technologies, You can give your customers the option of creating custom aspects to the project where you normally would have attempted to create something generic.

Instead of creating the seat to an automobile that fits most, why not give your customer a few options? They can type in their height and weight, and you can create a seat that fits their personalized needs. What better way to not only offer something that the competition cannot, but also maximize your potential profits? The possibilities are endless.

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